Tag: Android
Android Advanced Concepts
Android Modern Android development Introduction to Android architecture components Android Jetpack Jetpack Compose Jetpack DataStore Android Material Design components View Binding Android X library Constraint …
Android: Best way to Communicate with fragments
Below are the two recommended options available to communicate between fragments and between fragment and host activity View Model Fragment Result API The recommended option …
Beginner’s Guide to the Room Persistence Library
Room is a persistence library introduced by Google in 2017 I/O Event Used to save data in the local database It’s part of the Android …
Image Loading Libraries: Picasso and Glide
Glide and Picasso are the most used image loading libraries in Android applications. Picasso: Picasso downloads the image and stores the full-size image in the …
Work Manager in Android
WorkManager is one of the Android Architecture Components and part of Android Jetpack. WorkManager is for background work that’s deferrable and requires guaranteed execution: Deferrable …
Android Jetpack DataStore: Preferences DataStore
Jetpack DataStore is a data storage solution that allows you to store key-value pairs or typed objects with protocol buffers. DataStore uses Kotlin coroutines and Flow …
ListAdapter: Extension to RecyclerView.Adapter
ListAdapter was added in Recyclerview library version 27.1.0. It is RecyclerView.Adapter base class for presenting List data in a RecyclerView, including computing diffs between Lists on a background thread. Before …
JSON to POJO class creation in Android studio – Kotlin/Java
Introduction In modern Android app development, handling JSON data is a common task, especially when interacting with web APIs. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is …
Scaffold in Android using Jetpack Compose
The “Scaffold” is a layout template that contains a basic implementation of the material design app structure with the following components: TopBar BottomBar FloatingActionButton …