Jetpack Compose Interview Questions

Jetpack Compose Interview Questions

  1. What is Compose and its benefits?
  2. How to use Compose in Android?
  3. How to setup Compose in new Android App?
  4. How to setup Compose in Existing App?
  5. Difference between Compose UI vs Android View?
  6. What is setContent()?
  7. What are Composable functions?
  8. Life cycle of the Compose?
  9. What is Recomposition?
  10. What is @Composable
  11. What is Modifier and Where to use?
  12. What are core UI elements in Compose?
  13. What are layouts available in Compose?
  14. Can we mix both Compose and Android View in Single App?
  15. How to apply themes in Compose App?
  16. What is State in Compose?
  17. What is remember method?
  18. What is Side Effect? How Many Side effects are there in Compose?
  19. What is the difference between LaunchedEffect vs DisposableEffect?
  20. What is rememberCoroutineScope and its use?
  21. How to access coroutines inside Compose functions?
  22. How to handle Exceptions in Compose functions?
  23. How Navigation works in Compose?
  24. How to create Navigation and Navigation Graph, nested navigation graph in Compose?
  25. What is @Preview?
  26. How to create List view in Compose?
  27. How to handle life cycle events in Compose functions?
  28. What are Semantics?
  29. What is State Hoisting?
  30. What is UDF patterns(Unidirectional Data Flow)?
  31. Jetpack compose Phases?
  32. How to create Custom Layouts in Compose?
  33. How to handle state in device orientation in Compose UI?
  34. How to observe Flows, Live Data states in Compose UI?
  35. How to handle Back press functionality from Compose Screen?
  36. How to use Window Insets in Compose?
  37. What is systemBarPadding() and navigationBarPadding?
  38. How to handle Accessibility in Compose?
  39. How to write UI teste cases for Compose screen?
  40. How to use Image Loading libraries(Coil, Glide) in Compose?